Thanks for Voting! Posted on April 13, 2016May 13, 2016 by Usinger's Thank you for voting for Usinger’s. We will get the results of the vote on Friday and post them here as soon as we know.
These are great sausages. I have had these for years. They have just the right amout of salt and spices that don’ t over power the meat. I have had other brands that had so much salt you could ot eat them. But these Usinger’s meat are fantastic. Reply
I really like ’em…I really do…It’s just NOT Summer without em!!!!!!!!!!!
These are great sausages. I have had these for years. They have just the right amout of salt and spices that don’ t over power the meat. I have had other brands that had so much salt you could ot eat them. But these Usinger’s meat are fantastic.
Best I ever ate!!!
The elves know what they are doing best brats ever !!!!
Best brat ever.