Changing times mean changing measures

The spread of the Covid-19 virus has caused us to make a few changes to the way we do business, as I’m sure it has affected the way your life works as well. Hopefully everyone is staying healthy as we work through this. At Usinger’s we have temporarily closed our retail store on Old World Third Street. This is for the protection of our customers and employees as it can get crowded in there. But have no fear our Sausage Kitchen and Smokehouses are busy producing sausages six days a week to keep up on shipments supplying grocery stores that proudly carry our products. You can also order directly from us online at You will find almost all our items in the Deli or Gift Store sections on our website. We will ship anywhere in the continental U.S. and that seems to be one of the preferred ways to receive food these days. Here’s to hoping summer is just around the corner and praying an end to this epidemic is too. Stay well and enjoy eating at home.

There’s A New Dog In Town!

Call them Hot Dogs, call them Franks, but Baseball is just not the same without them. This season we have added a new one to our line up in honor of our friend and Hall of Famer, Bob Uecker. This recipe was developed just for Bob. After hanging out in ballparks and eating hot dogs since the ‘50’s, nobody knows them better than Ueck. Mr. Baseball’s Famous Franks are made from only select cuts of beef, naturally smoked in our two story brick smokehouses and have a touch of garlic. You can grill ‘em or steam ‘em however you want to make them they always taste great ! Look for Mr. Baseball’s Famous Franks and Mr. Baseball’s Fresh Bratwurst for your next cookout. You’ll find them at your local Sendik’s store.


Get Ready, Here it Comes

German Fest begins July 29 – 31 at Maier Festival Park on Milwaukee’s lakefront.  What a great time to experience German food, culture, music and yes a little beer. It’s like an Octoberfest warm up party.

We are proud to be a long time sponsor of Milwaukee’s German Fest and provider of many different types of sausage and meats served during the three day run.

You may want to try a German Fest favorite, the over-sized, October Fest Bratwurst or the spicy Smoked Bratwurst.  Then there is the Bavarian Wiener, Knackwurst or the Pork Links that are served with the potato pancakes. Or maybe you want the Smoked Pork Chops (Kassler Rippchen) that are smoked over glowing hard wood embers in our two story brick smokehouses. Don’t forget the Sauerkraut…. We make that too.

Hope to see you at the opening ceremonies.  Bring your appetite and we will see you there!

Dog Daze

Longing for the “Hot Dog” daze of Summer?


Around here we love our brats, but there really is nothing better hot off the grill than a natural casing wiener or frank garnished with garden fresh tomato dices all packed into a fresh warm roll. Yum!

Call them what you want franks, hot dogs or wieners they’re all cousins.  We make lots of them at Usinger’s in all beef or pork and beef varieties.  Both are smoky with lots of spices working together and the all beef has a hint of fresh garlic added.  What you won’t find is MSG, Gluten, fillers or milk powder in our “dogs”.

My favorite is the curved link of a natural casing wiener that “pop” when you bite into them. The casing provides a firm bite and holds all the flavorful juices and spices inside the link during cooking.  Try to avoid splitting them while grilling, usually this is done by cooking slower over a lower heat.

If you prefer a softer bite on your hot dog, we also make them without the casing. These are called “skinless”. They are made with the same recipe; we just peel the casings off before they go in the package.  Skinless wieners are very popular with kids, so if you’re grilling out for some youngsters they make a great choice.  Look for the links that are straight without a curve.
