Autumn is summer sausage season in Wisconsin. A snacking staple while watching Badger and Packer games, summer sausage is the faithful platter companion of crackers and Wisconsin cheeses.
What makes summer sausage so popular is the subtle marriage of smoky and tangy flavors. Our summer sausage develops this unique flavor while hanging for 24 hours over smoldering hardwood fires in our old fashioned brick smoke houses.
For over 130 years Usinger’s has made it the same way…. Quality meats, natural spices and know how. NO MSG, Gluten Free and NO Artificial Flavorings.
Our summer sausage comes in many different sizes. We even make one in the shape of a football!
Do you sell your beef sticks in your store on old world third street?
Yes, you can find them at our store at 1030 N. Old World 3rd Street in downtown Milwaukee.